Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Technology Lesson: Keeping Applications in Your Dock

Your Macbook comes with applications pre-loaded into its dock, but sometimes you want to add or remove programs to suit your own needs. Here's a quick way to secure an application in your dock.

1. Open your Finder. It's in your dock.

2. Click APPLICATIONS in your Finder window.

3. Find the Application (program) you want to open. In this lesson, it's iTunes. Double click the application to open it.

4. Wait for the application's icon to appear in the dock. When it does, hold your mouse over the icon so a menu pops open above it:

5. The bottom half of the menu is related to program operations. Click KEEP IN DOCK to add this application to your dock.

If you want to remove a program, you'll follow a similar plan. Hold the mouse over the icon and click REMOVE FROM DOCK.

See how easy that was?

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