Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Technology Lesson: Unliking On Facebook (Part 1: One Page At A Time)

Sometimes we like things on Facebook, for a promotion, or a friend's sake, and we want to unlike the business, idea, or sports team. This is easy to do, and there are a few fast ways to take care of it. Today we'll unlike one individual page. Later, we'll take care of many pages/interests.

To start: Turn on your computer, log in if necessary, open your browser, and log in to Facebook.

If you want to unlike one page, go to that page on Facebook. The fastest way to do this is to type the name of the page in your search bar:


Go to the page.

Under the banner, you'll see a button that says LIKED. Click the button.

Now click UNLIKE.

PRESTO! You'll see the button now says LIKE with a thumbs up next to it. This is an indication that you were successful.

Facebook lessons

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