Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Technology Lesson: Signing Up for Tumblr (UPDATED)

There has been a lot of anxiety over the registration process. I'm not sure why, but it seems to go terribly wrong for many of you. I think this is a shame. Since the first lesson I wrote was in 2010, and the design has changed, I thought I'd try walking through the process again.

I promise signing up to Tumblr is quick and easy. I did this while on the phone with my niece, late at night, and with a heavy head cold. It is my deepest wish that you can breeze through the process too!

Start at tumblr.com.
Click SIGN UP.

Follow the prompts in front of you. (After you click SIGN UP the box will change, with three sections to fill in.) Provide your e-mail, and username and password.

Provide your age, and agree to the terms and conditions. (Read them! Always read the terms and conditions!)

Fill in the captcha. That's what it's called when you have to type in the words to prove that you are not a spambot. I suppose if you are a spambot, you are now more like a sadbot. You'll notice that when you've proven your humanity that the blue box says DONE!

That should be it. Here's the Dashboard for the account I just made:

 Questions? Good luck!

Previously:Technology Lesson: How to Sign Up for Tumblr
All Tumblr lessons

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