Thursday, March 11, 2010

Vocabulary Lesson: NSFW

NSFW: An abbreviation for Not Safe at Work; A warning that viewing material may not be safe for viewing in the workplace. This may mean that it includes nudity, and generally does, but may sometimes mean that the content may contain salty language, violence, or content that may lead to general awkwardness if anyone looks over your shoulder or through your digital files.
NSFW may be substituted for NWS (Not Work Safe). The warning is usually accompanied at the end of a link:
Did you see what John Mayer said? (www.something.something! NSFW)
Or in a blog, article, or message with the accompanying information.

If something is Safe For Work, but appears or may seem like it may not contain appropriate content. This is often abbreviated to SFW. creator Drew Curtis tried to trademark (make profit) on the commonly used abbreviation in 2007. He was denied.

Additional Resources:
Wikipedia article

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